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How To Make Your Own Bird Repellent Spray

Top 3 Recipes

Birds are lovely to have around, but they can become a real nuisance. In fact, birds could become one of the most significant problems associated with your garden. There are more reasons behind it. First of all, they will love the seeds you plant, so you need to make sure they go quite deep into the ground. Even if you try to prevent it, seeds will turn into plants – birds love picking at growing plants, hindering their growth and killing them. If overlooked, birds can literally destroy your garden.

Apart from ruining your hard work, birds will also leave droppings, waste, and an overall mess behind. No matter what you try, nothing seems to work. Killing or trapping them will not work either. Not only is this solution not humane, but killing birds will not solve the issue. More of them will come over and it becomes a continuous cycle. Luckily, the bird repellent spray seems to be a great choice because it simply makes your plants unattractive and disgusting for birds.

There are more sprays out there. Simply go to the local gardening store and you will find plenty of options – the same goes for DIY stores. But whether you do not feel like spending too much money or you are afraid of spraying stuff that might contain chemicals, you can also come up with your own natural bird repellent spray. Here are a few handy recipes to ensure you can keep birds away without infesting your plants.

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Sparrow repellent spray based on chili peppers

As tasty as they are when you cook, chili peppers are disgusting for birds. Therefore, you can implement them in your homemade spray to keep invaders away. It does not mean you have to plant chili peppers everywhere. Instead, get a few dozen of them, half a gallon of water, ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar and a spray bottle. You should also get an empty bottle to prepare your mix.

Get a bowl and crush all the chili peppers. Mash them until there are no big parts left. Get the empty bottle and fill it up with water. Add the peppers and put the lid on. Shake well for a few minutes until you get a good mix. Leave it in direct sunlight for around five days. It needs to ferment. It will have a stingy smell, but it is supposed to.

Once you are done, bring it in and add the apple cider vinegar. Shake a little more to mix everything and pour the mix into the spray bottle. The mix is organic, so it will not harm your plants. Spray all the areas that birds target. You can spray it on plants and flowers, but you can also spray around other parts of your home. If you should have just moderate success with your DIY repellent spray, you can try out some of the other sparrow repellents.

Dove repellent spray based on cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper is another great choice and you can use it just like a chili pepper. While such things are more likely to work for certain species of birds, none of them will actually like spices and condiments, so your bird repellent spray will work for every bird out there. Birds hate the smell too, so make sure to spray all the affected plants and flowers. Now, what do you need for this recipe?

Start with a couple of tablespoons of cayenne pepper. Get a gallon of water, a few drops of dish soap, a bowl, and a spray bottle. Opt for organic dish soap if you do not want any chemicals over your plants. All in all, once you have everything, put the water into a bowl and add the cayenne pepper and dish soap. Stir and mix until everything is even – do it for a few minutes.

Let the mix sit overnight. Stir again in the morning, then add everything in a spray bottle. You do not have to spray full plants. Instead, you can do the tops and the bottoms only. Most commonly, the middle part is left untouched. If it rains, the mix will be washed off, so spray it again as soon as it dries up. If cats tend to use your garden as a litter box, the spray will work wonders against them too. This spray, combined with other pigeon repellent methods, will help you get rid those damn doves quickly.

use visual deterrens and sound machines

Bird spray to keep birds away based on garlic oil

Garlic oil makes an excellent bird repellent spray. It is natural, easily available in all stores around and inexpensive. It can help you get rid of birds and it feels great in the garden. There is one minus though – the garlic smell may also affect you. If you would rather smell flowers instead of garlic, it will not necessarily help too much, as it can create some discomfort.

The strong smell of garlic will chase pigeons and other birds away in no time. Such oils are not toxic, but fully natural too. You can get garlic oil at local stores, but you can also make it yourself using some cloves. All in all, such a recipe is easy to come up with – get eight cloves of garlic, as well as a couple of cups of olive oil and a glass jar to prepare the spray.

Remove the peel and crush the cloves. You can use a specific tool or just the back of a knife. Place everything into the jar. Add the olive oil, put the lid on, and mix everything together. You need to ensure you have an even substance. Throw the jar in the refrigerator and leave it there for about five days – allow the ingredients to blend properly. Add it into a spray bottle, then and get to work.


Bottom line, making your own bird repellent spray is not that difficult. You can get the job done with ingredients you may already have around your home. Indeed, you can go online or visit a local gardening store and purchase readymade sprays too. However, make sure you check the list of ingredients – you do not want any chemicals inside your plants, especially if you grow fruits and vegetables to eat.

Written by James Laverne

April 16th 2021

Avatar author James Laverne

Hi, I'm James! With over 25 years of anti-pest experience, I am writing this blog to help you birdproof your home. Get in touch if you have any questions. Happy reading!


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